Wednesday, September 30, 2015

New Jersey Quirks

I decided to compile a list about some quirks of New Jersey that I don't want to forget.

1- You can't pump your own gas, it's against the law. This was kind of weird for me the first time I went to fill up the car. A guy walked up to my window and I handed him my credit card, which kind of sketched me out. But now it's pretty nice that I don't have to worry about getting out of the car! It's especially nice when Lewis is sleeping. 

2- Jug Handles. On all the major streets here you can't make left turns. Instead they have made these jug handles where you turn to the right from a street and it loops you around so you can go in the direction you want. They are kind of annoying when you don't know what you're doing but I'm getting used to them. I may be using a GPS the whole time I'm here though. 

3- Pork Roll or Taylor Ham. This is a kind of sliced meat that they commonly serve at restaurants out here. The taste kind of reminds me of a mix between Bologna and Canadian bacon. I really like it actually, it's pretty salty. 

4- SUPER Agressive Driving. I have driven in quite a few states but I haven't ever seen driving like this from so many people. If you know me you know that I am not a slow driver but I am constantly getting tail-gated. People are cutting other drivers off all the time and they love to honk. I have had to learn to be more agressive with my driving but it's not in my nature. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not that I have a Utah license. 

5- Trees! They don't call New Jersey the garden state by accident. The trees are so beautiful. They have been in a drought so the town where we live isn't as green this year but as soon as you get on the freeways you see lots of huge green trees. 

6- Super Old Buildings and lots of History! Everywhere on the East coast has so much history with our nation. It is fun to explore so many places that have rich backgrounds and memories. I love picturing people that would have visited the same places and what their lives would have been like back then. Just in our small town we have come across lots of old bridges, churches and even a castle. 

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