Saturday, December 27, 2014

1 Month

Lewis is now one month old. That first month definitely went much faster than a month being pregnant. Here is a quick update about him at one month:

He groans while eating, which is hilarious because his dad did this when he was young too. 

Is a super active baby. He is pretty squirmy when we hold him and even at night. I go to get him up in the morning and he has turned 90 degrees from the position I layed him down. 

Always keeps his hands up by his face. 

He is sleeping 4-6 hours at night between feedings, which we are grateful for. 

Gives us big smiles when we talk to him. It's the cutest thing ever, all I have to do is say his name and his eyes light up. 

Loves looking at the lights, he'll arch his back to look over our arm and find the source of light. 

Really loves his swing, which is helpful for when I need to get things done or get ready for the day. 

He is starting to grow out of his newborn clothes which is kind of bitter-sweet for me. Luckily he has tons of cute 0-3 month outfits that he can start wearing soon. 

Overall a super easy going snd perfect baby! 

We have enjoyed everyday we've had with our sweet boy so far. We can't wait to see what the next months will hold for our family! 

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