Saturday, December 20, 2014

Our Thanksgiving Gift

I had been having contractions for days. They would come pretty regularly and then go away eventually. I never felt like they were strong enough to go into the hospital, but each time they started I would get excited thinking that day might be the day I meet my baby boy. 

On Wednesday, November 26th I was having contractions all morning. But once again I was able to go throughout my day without any problem. McKay came home for lunch and my contractions had gotten a lot stronger. After we finished eating I suggested that he probably shouldn't go back to work. We started timing them and they were coming every 2-3 minutes, lasting 45 seconds each. This happened for over an hour so we got ready and went to the hospital. When we checked in I was dilated to a 3, which is what I was at during my doctor's appt the Monday before. This was kind of discouraging but they wanted to monitor me for an hour. The nurse came back in to check me after an hour and I wasn't progressing so they sent me home with orders to come back when the contractions for more intense. I was super bummed by this point. This was my first pregnancy and I had finally trusted my body enough to go in. 

We got home at 6:00pm and I went to get in the bath. I knew this would either stop the contractions if it wasn't true labor or just let me relax through them if it was. After the bath and attempting to get some rest I could tell the contractions were only getting stronger. I was really having to concentrate through them and I wondered if we should back to the hospital. It was so hard for me to know when to go back though, it had only been three hours since we left. McKay and I decided it would be smart to go back, and as I was getting ready my water broke. This was so relieving to me because this meant real labor and I knew they would keep me now at the hospital.

When we got there I was still only dilated to a 3, but there was no guessing if these contractions were real. I had to really focus on my breathing during each one. Luckily I had my sweet husband and sister-in-law April (who was my doula) to apply counter pressure to my back and help me take each contraction one at a time. After we were there for an hour and a half I asked that they check me, luckily I had progressed to a 5. This gave me a little more strength to keep going. Another half an hour after that I was getting up onto the bed because they couldn't get a clear reading on the baby since I was moving around so much. As I got up on the bed and another contraction started I could tell this was going to be intense. It was like I couldn't get my focus or catch my breath, then I had a strong urge to push. I told the nurse and she quickly checked me. I was fully dilated!! She called my doctor who came pretty fast. I pushed for like 10-15 minutes and then my baby was here. It was all so amazing and so fast. He was born at 12:35am, barely making it to his due date. Everyone says because I'm such a planner that it couldn't have happened any other way. My child is pretty obedient already :) he came out with quite a bit of dark hair, weighing 6 lbs 13 oz and was 20 inches long. 

I delivered at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center and it was perfect. The nurses and staff there were so kind and supportive of everything I wanted in my birth. They were always helpful and willing to explain things to me. 

It's so amazing how much love we immediately felt for Lewis. He brought such a spirit into our home the minute he came, we are so grateful that he is ours.

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