I seriously cannot believe that Lewis is now four months old. Time has flown by! I try to remind myself each day that each phase is fun and exciting, but I can't lie, having him grow up makes me a little sad.
Here are some updates on Lewis as a four month old:
He LOVES attention from people and will almost always respond with a big smile.
He talks to us all the time. He even gets this very serious looking face when he coos like he is saying something very important. I love it. Sometimes he lets out a high pitched squeal when he's super excited.
Luckily he has been sleeping through the night for the past month....amazing! Night time has been pretty easy for us, we just lay Lewis down in his crib when he acts tired and he turns his head to the side and falls asleep pretty quickly.
Unfortately his stomach gets gas bubbles pretty frequently that makes him so sad, but we have found that putting pressure on it, patting his back and running his legs helps to relieve some pain. Plus the baby gas medicine has been super helpful.
He is getting really good at holding up his head on his own and loves being in his bumbo.
His hands have been discovered and he holds them and chews on them ALL the time.
He can see quite a bit farther now. He even sits and stares at the TV when it's on. Scary!
This boy is super squirmy, he has been since day one. He kicks his legs like crazy, even when he is sleeping. We have watched him on the monitor spin in a circle in his crib. Crazy baby!
Lewis still really likes tummy time and is pretty good at rolling from his tummy to his back. He even started rolling from his back to his tummy this last week.
His face has filled out quite a bit and looks more similar to my (Madi) baby pictures. He definitely has his dad's chin though.
We love how alert and awake he is now. It's fun to see his little personality evolve. Here are some pictures as well because they are always fun!
Love it! He's such a cute little guy!