He weighs in at 15 lbs and is 26 inches long.
Lewis cut his first two teeth in the past two weeks. Obviously I was pretty excited! We have already been brushing them and keeping them clean. We have to start those oral hygiene habits young :)
He has gotten a lot louder lately, wanting to show off all the new noises he can make. This deep grunting noise being one of his favorites.
He loves playing with toys; grabbing them, shaking them, sticking everything in his mouth.
Unfortunately sleeping has been rough these last few weeks. I don't know if it's been getting in teeth or something else but we are ready to get our good sleeper back.
He loves being on his stomach and has been experimenting with pulling his knees up under him.
He rolls around everywhere to get to the toy he wants.
He is doing pretty well at sitting up on his own, but still tips over quite frequently.
Overall he is growing so fast and it is fun to watch him explore new things each day. Solid foods will be introduced soon and that will be a whole new world.
cute family photo!