Sunday, December 13, 2015

No Longer a Baby

It has been surprisingly difficult for me to accept the fact that Lewis is now 1 years old. Of course he is going to grow up everyday and there are definitely fun things about that, but I can't lie, having him turn 1 was sad for me. I love the baby stage and always will, but unfortunately that stage goes by so quickly. Enough about my motherly emotions, our little Lewis is entering toddler stage! 

He is walking everywhere and loves that it is becoming faster than crawling. He usually walks around with his hands raised to help him balance, it's pretty funny. 

He is understanding lots of words like "bath time" "na-night" "food" 

He loves doing patty cake, wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider, and peanut sat on the railroad track. He knows the actions and does them right along with us, there are still some he's missing from peanut though. 

Lewis waves goodbye to everyone and has even started blowing kisses to strangers at the grocery store.

He LOVES the bathtub and will start trying to take off his clothes when I mention it's bath time. I could seriously leave him in there for hours and he would be entertained. When I was draining the bath the other day he discovered that his toy could plug the water and got really excited to figure that out. 

He gives people a cheeser smile when he knows he did something cute, he loves the attention. 

His favorite toys are his new Aladdin and toy story figurines that we gave him for his birthday and any car. He drives the cars all over the house. 

We are teaching him what noises animals make and he has grasped on to the growl of a bear but that's all he really remembers. He will repeat when we say "woof" or "quack" but doesn't quite recall the noise by him self. 

Outside is where he prefers to be! He has even started walking over to the front door and pulling on the handle to let me know he is ready to go outside. We take daily walks which he loves. 

His pointer finger is constantly out and showing me things he is discovering, I love it. Our little town has just decorated for Christmas so he points out the decorations everywhere we go.

He is getting better about sitting still on my lap to read a book but won't last if it's a long book. 

Lewis is usually a happy boy but lately he has been throwing little fits when we have to take away something or tell him no when he tries to shove a toy in the VCR. These little teaching/discipline moments are only going to come more often now that he is getting older and I hope that my patience will grow too :) 

He loves food and is pretty good to eat whatever we make for him. He has been a little bit funny about certain textures though. He did not like the mandarin oranges I gave him. And anything with a peel he will spit back out at me. 

This last year has been so fun with him in our home, we are grateful for the peaceful and happy spirit that he brings. Can't wait to see what the future holds for this crazy boy! 

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